Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back at College

Well here I am again in NTC for a further week of reading and research into Journaling and mentoring as a means of reflective practice for holiness of life. Books, books and more books, Quoheleth was right when he said that '... There's no end to the publishing of books, and constant study wears you out so you're no good for anything else.' Ecc 12:12. It is wearying but enjoyable none-the-less. What I'm hoping to do over the next few days is once again put up a few of the thoughts that I've found especially helpful. It's worth checking out, in my humble opinion, my blog on books read concerning Journaling and relflective practice for holiness of life.

Over this coming few days my hope is to try and pin down the subject in order that I can begin to write it up! The problem is that I have read very widely and have perhaps too much detail, focus, focus, focus! Always a problem!


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