Need to listen and reflect

God calls us! That fact, on first hearing it, shook me somewhat. Prior to learning this, for which I am grateful to Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and Glasgow Bible Training Institute (now Internation Christian College), I had always thought that it was us that called on Him. The only folk I had ever heard of being called by God for a specific purpose were the likes of Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, Augustine and of course the prophet Samuel as a young boy.
Each one of them were called for a specific purpose, they had to listen, reflect and apply what they heard. Every time God calls someone, He calls them to a life of faith. Our calling is to serve Him in whatever way we've been called. But we can't serve faithfully until we've first listened carefully to what He's said. Prayer, Bible reading, fasting and watching, etc., all the spiritual disciplines are helpful in this process of journeying with the Lord. Perhaps one of the more overlooked disciplines is that of journaling. The story of Samuel is particularly instructive for us here we are taught the need to listen before we respond. We need to hear and understand before we step out and obey. Could it be that the Church's greatest need today is to listen to God's voice? Could it be that our greatest need is to clearly hear what He's saying to us? Could it be that we need to reflect on His grace and call in our lives? In the hasty living of a postmodern society with its busy, busy, work, work, bang, bang mentallity, could be that Christians need to wait, reapplying the principles of meditation in the Lord in order that their strength and purpose maybe renewed?
Almighty God, Your call goes out to all whom You love, teach us to listen and reflect on what You ask us to do in order that we may be Your faithful servants reflecting Your holiness and concern for all around us.
Picture courtesy of FCI
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